Been Injured In An Accident? 4 Things You Need To Discuss With Your Attorney

If you've been in an accident, the first thing you need to do is get medical attention. After that, you need to hire an accident attorney. If you haven't talked to an attorney yet, read the list below. Here are four things you need to talk about with your personal injury attorney. 

You Have Preexisting Conditions

If you're ready to sit down with a personal injury attorney, now's the time to discuss your preexisting conditions. You might not think your preexisting conditions have anything to do with your injury claim. That's not the case. Once the other side finds out about your medical conditions, they can use the information against you. That's especially true if you haven't discussed them with your attorney. If you tell your attorney about your medical conditions, they can get copies of your medical records. That way, they can show that your medical conditions don't have anything to do with your accident injuries.  

You Have Another Injury Claim

If you were involved in another accident, talk to your personal injury attorney right away. If you have a different attorney for the other case, you might not think you need to share the information. That's not the case. Your attorney will need to show that you're not including the same injuries in both cases. Both attorneys will need to show that you sustained different injuries in those separate accidents. 

You Have Criminal Convictions

If you have a criminal record, don't keep that information from your personal injury attorney. Your criminal record shouldn't affect your personal injury claim. But, like your medical conditions, if the other attorneys find out about your criminal record and frame it as being relevant to your personal injury case, they can use the information against you. That's why you need to talk to your attorney about your criminal convictions. Your attorney can prepare you for any questions that might come up. That's especially important if your case goes to trial. During the trial, the opposing attorneys may question you about your conviction. 

You're Filing for Bankruptcy

If you've fallen behind on your bills and want to file for bankruptcy, you need to tell your personal injury attorney. You might not know it, but your creditors can ask the court to attach your injury settlement. If that happens, your settlement can get used to pay off your outstanding debts. That's why you need to talk to your attorney about your bankruptcy case. They can help you keep some of your settlement.

Contact an injury lawyer for more information. 
