Picking The Right Auto Accident Attorney

The right car accident attorney can make a daunting experience as smooth as possible. The wrong lawyer can create a bad experience and a lower settlement. With all of the options available to you, you may wonder how to pick the right attorney for you. Learn more about selecting the best auto accident attorney. 

1. Credentials

Every lawyer needs to graduate from law school and then pass the state bar exam. Look for a lawyer with a degree from a good school. Bonus points if the attorney graduated at the top of their class. Your lawyer should happily provide proof of their credentials if asked.

2. Experience

Lawyers develop many of their legal skills through experience. Therefore, you want a seasoned lawyer with a long-standing track record of success in your area. Experience not only develops the lawyer's legal skills, but it also gives the lawyer the opportunity to create relationships in the industry. 

Verify that your lawyer has the experience that relates to your specific case. Start by picking an accident attorney that specializes in automobile accident cases and not other types of accidents. If your case involves motorcycles, serious injury, death, or impaired drivers, look for an auto accident attorney who promotes specializations related to your case. 

3.  Fees

Lawyers have the ability to set their rates and how they want to get paid, and it can vary greatly from one lawyer to the next. Some of the most common ways for lawyers to charge their clients include:

  • hourly rate 
  • contingency (no payment upfront but the lawyer receives a percentage of the settlement)
  • flat fee
  • retainer (upfront payment that secures legal services when you need them) 

For clients without the resources to pursue a case, contingencies provide a great option, but the client will usually pay out more in the long run. 

4. Compatible Personalities

When you hire an attorney, you will work closely together. You will need to be able to communicate and agree on a course of action. In order to communicate effectively, you'll want a lawyer with a personality compatible with yours. You also need to be in agreement on how you want to move forward with the case. 

You will find a number of lawyers happy to take your case through a simple internet search or get referrals from friends and family. Do your research to find your top options then request a consultation with each of them before you make your final decision. For more information, contact an auto accident attorney near you.
