Reasons To Get A Protective Order For Domestic Violence

Living with an abuser can be extremely difficult, and it can also be dangerous. Many people choose to continue to live with an abuser because they are in a relationship with the abuser or have a family with them. It's not worth your safety or the safety and wellbeing of your other family members to continue to stay in this situation. By reaching out to an attorney, you can get a protective order put in place so that the abuser can no longer harass or hurt you. Here are some reasons to get a protective order for domestic violence. 

Legally Remove the Abuser

If you're currently living with your abuser and you need to stay in the home for any reason, a protective order can help you legally remove the abuser. They will need to stay away from you, and if you're both on the lease or own the home, this can help you to stay in your home without having to continue living with the abuse.

Put a Stop to Harassment

If your abuser has been showing up at school, work, or where you spend time, this is harassment. A protective order can help put a stop to this harassment because you can document any and all abuse that occurs so that legal action is taken.

Show a Pattern of Abuse

A protective order can also help you show a pattern of abuse. You'll have all of the abuse documented and this can help to show a pattern. This may help to prevent other people from being involved with this person in the future, once they know that they're an abuser. 

Be Able to Take legal Action 

Once you have a protective order in place, it makes it easier for you to take legal action. Once the person breaks or continues to break the protective order, you can contact the police and show them your order. If the abuser continues to push the limits, legal action will be taken and it will be in the hands of the court.

Gives You Peace of Mind

A protective order can also give you peace of mind. You don't want to be constantly worrying about your safety and wellbeing, and you can feel better knowing that you've taken the legal steps needed to protect yourself from this person.

If you think that you're ready to get a protective order, now is the time to contact a local lawyer. They can help you get out of this difficult situation so that you're safe! To learn more about your options, contact a lawyer such as Roseline D. Feral Attorney at Law.
