Winning A Medical Malpractice Case When A Birthing Doctor Failed To Note Blood Flow

While modern births are streamlined to the point where the risks are nearly minimal, there are still chances that something could happen while a mother is giving birth. One of the most common issues is an improper monitoring of the blood flow between the child and mother. If your child suffered from health issues after a doctor failed to birth them properly, medical malpractice suits are possible.

During Birth, Proper Blood Flow Is Imperative

Good doctors understand that the blood flow between the mother and the child is important during child birth. That's because this blood flow brings oxygen to the child's brain that keeps them healthy. Once the child is born, that blood flow is often cut entirely, and a careful approach is required to keep the baby healthy.

Typically, this switch occurs the moment the baby starts breathing for themselves. However, there is a chance that blood flow issues could occur during the birth and cause serious brain damage to the child. And there is good chance that a negligent doctor caused this issue.

Improper Blood Flow Management Is Malpractice

During the intensity of a birth, a doctor may ignore blood flow management or put it at the back of their mind. While most of the time this isn't an issue, it becomes a serious problem if they ignore a severe imbalance.

An early disconnect between the child and the mother may leave the child without oxygen flow to the brain for minutes at a time. A doctor's failure to notice this issue, and their inability to treat it is medical malpractice and can be pursued in a lawsuit.

Pursuing One Of These Cases Is A Challenge

Birth-related medical malpractice suits may seem like an open-and-shut case, particularly if the baby suffered as a result of the doctor's actions. However, that isn't always the case. Doctors may try to lie or claim that the parent behaved in a way that caused their child's brain damage. Even worse, nurses may say the same thing to protect their medical facility.

However, it is still possible to use birth records, video recordings of the birth, and testimony from others to showcase that the doctor failed to notice blood flow problems or did not diagnose or treat them properly. Ignorance is not a defense in these kinds of cases, so a doctor cannot try that defense and get away with it.

However, if you find yourself in this kind of case with a doctor who fails to admit that they failed, it is important to talk to a lawyer right away. A medical malpractice lawyer can identify a great case for you and help you get the compensation you deserve. In this way, your child can get the specialized care that they deserve without impacting your finances too severely. Contact a law firm like Shay & Associates to learn more.
