5 Things To Remember When Spending Time With Your Child During A Custody Battle

When you're fighting a child custody battle upon divorcing, you need to be careful what you do when your child is with you. Hopefully, you're getting an adequate amount of time with your child while the case is going on.

You'll maximize your chances of being granted custody if you're very vigilant about your actions during this sensitive time. The following are five things that you need to constantly remember when you're spending time with your child as your custody battle unfolds:

You need to be reliable and punctual when picking your child up.

It's very important that you show up on time when you're picking your child up. It's especially important that you avoid canceling when you're supposed to see your child or when your child is supposed to be staying with you.

You need to demonstrate your reliability to be granted custody of your children. If you cancel on your child, you can be sure that your spouse is going to use this information against you in your child custody battle. 

You shouldn't say anything negative about your ex-spouse.

You should never lose sight of the fact that your ex-spouse is always going to be your child's parent. You should not try to influence your child's opinion by saying negative things about your ex-spouse. More likely than not, this will simply backfire on you and drive your child closer to your ex-spouse. 

You shouldn't be drinking alcohol.

Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is an absolute no-no when you are around your child. Your child may mention your behavior to your ex-spouse, and he or she may use this information against you.

It's best to not drink alcohol at all when you're in the presence of your child when you're going through a custody battle. 

You shouldn't have a person around who you are casually dating.

It will reflect badly on you in your custody battle if you seem to be dating around. While having your child around a long-term partner is ok, you should not have your child around anyone you're casually dating and might not be forming a long-lasting relationship with. If you do, your child may report this to your ex-spouse, and this information may make you look less responsible. 

You should always be punctual when returning your child to your ex-spouse.

You should never try to keep your child longer or show up late after your child has visited you during the custody battle. You need to be very strict with yourself and your child about sticking to your previously agreed upon schedule with your ex-spouse. 

For more information, contact a law office like Law Office of Greg Quimby, P.C.
