Money Damages: What Can You Expect?

If you've been injured in a car accident because of someone's negligence or careless driving, it can impact you in many ways. You can expect to be compensated in just as many ways if you file a personal injury lawsuit. If you can list how the accident has affected you and your family, you may have a good idea of what you are owed. Read on to learn more about what you can expect in the form of monetary payment for the effects of your accident:

Medical expenses. A primary concern will be medical treatment for your accident injuries, so don't neglect to seek care no matter how minor you may think your injuries are. It is not always possible for you to tell the extent of damage done to your body, and some medical issues can lie hidden until even more damage is done. To be on the safe side, go to the hospital and get checked. Additionally, be on the alert for any problems that might crop up in the days and weeks after your accident. Head injuries can be particularly sneaky; often the damage shows up much later and gets worse with time.

Keep good records of every single medical treatment, diagnostic test, medication, therapy session and more. Don't neglect your mental health during this time. It's only natural to feel anxious and depressed, so seek therapy. Also, know that your mental health expenses related to the accident fit into that medical expense bucket just like your other medical expenses do.

Car repair or replacement and personal property. Most people expect to have their transportation problem dealt with by the insurance carrier, and in most cases, you should be able to get your car either repaired or replaced fairly quickly. You may also be able to get a rental to use while you are waiting for estimates and repairs. If you experience any problems with this particular damage category, speak to a personal injury attorney to assure that you are "made whole" when it comes to transportation.

Most people also experience the loss of a few items of personal property due to an accident. Child car seats should be replaced, even if they look fine to you. You may also have lost various pieces of clothing, handbags, cell phones, and more. Make a list of everything lost so that you can be reimbursed.

Lost wages. Even with a minor wreck, dealing with injuries and other accident-related issues can take up a lot of time. Keep up with all time you missed from work and be prepared to show a pay stub or other proof of salary as proof of lost wages. Don't neglect to list any time that you used your paid time off; you are entitled to be paid for vacation and sick leave.

Miscellaneous other damages. There are various other forms of damages that you may be entitled to such as:

  • Loss of consortium: This is the loss of contact with your spouse and children.
  • Missed vacations: If you expected to leave on a prepaid, nonrefundable vacation trip and could not go due to the accident, you might be able to get reimbursed.

Speak to your personal injury attorney to learn more.
